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Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

resume KSI 3&4

A.      Strategic IT

1.       Technology is no longer an afterthought in forming business strategy, but the actual cause and driver

2.       IT can change the way businesses compete

3.       A strategic IS is any kind of information system  that uses IT to help an organization gain a competitive advantage

B.      5 competitive strategies

1.       Cost leadership

2.       Differentiation strategy

3.       Innovation strategy

4.       Growth strategy

5.       Alliance strategy

C.      Other competitive strategies

1.       Lock in customers and suppliers

2.       Barriers to entry

3.       Include IT components in products

4.       Leverage investment in IT

D.      Customer focused business

1.       Businesses value:

a.       Keep customers loyal

b.      Anticipate their future needs

c.       Respond to customer concerns

d.      Provide top quality customers service

2.       Focus on customer value è quality not price has become primary determinant of value

3.       We can provide customer value with:

a.       Track individual preferences

b.      Keep up with market trends

c.       Supply products, services, and information anytime and anywhere

d.      Provide customer services tailored to individual needs

e.      Use CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system to focus on customer

E.       BPR (Business Process Reengineering)

1.       BPR è Fundamental rethinking  and radial redesign of business processes to achieve improvements in cost, quality, speed, and service

2.       Potential payback high

3.       Risk of failure is also high

F.       A cross functional process

Proposal è commitment è configuration è credit checking è delivery è billing è collections

G.     Agility

1.       Is the ability of a company to prosper rapidly changing

2.       An agile company can make a profit with:

a.       Broad product ranges

b.      Short model lifetimes

c.       Mass customization

3.       4 strategies of agility

a.       Provides products as a solution to their customers’ individual problems

b.      Cooperates with customers, suppliers, and competitors

c.       Organizes so that it thrives on change and uncertainty

d.      Leverages the impact of its people and the knowledge they posses

H.      Virtual company è uses IT to link people, organizations, assets, and ideas

I.        Knowledge creation

1.       Knowledge-creating company

2.       2 kinds of knowledge are explicit and tacit

3.       Knowledge management techniques:

Document management è information creation, sharing, and management è enterprise intelligence

4.       KMS (knowledge management systems) è organizational learning and business know-how

J.        Tujuan sumber daya komputasi dan komunikasi bisnis adalah untuk mengidentifikasi system computer dan peripheral untuk bisnis dan alasan-alasannya

K.      3 komponen TI:

1.       Hardware : input, output, system unit, storage, communication device

2.       Software:

a.       System:

·         Manajemen system (OS, network management programs), DBMS, system utilities

·         Pengembangan system (programming language translator, dll)

b.      Aplikasi spesifik

·         Aplikasi (email, web, browser)

·         Aplikasi umum (e-commerce, e-learning)

c.       Software system : untuk mengelola & mendukung operasi dari system computer dan system informasi

d.      Software aplikasi: untuk mendukung suatu tugas aplikasi tertentu/spesifik

3.       Brainware

L.       Klasifikasi system TI

1.       Menurut fungsi

a.       Embedded IT system è melekat pada produk

b.      Dedicated IT system è untuk melakukan tugas khusus

c.       General purpose system è untuk melakukan berbagai aktivitas yang bersifat umum

2.       Menurut ukuran

a.       Mikrokontroler (embedded system)

b.      Mikrokomputer (PC, laptop)

c.       Work station (RS/6000 44p model 270<IBM>)

d.      Minicomputer/midrange (IBM AS 400)

e.      Mainframe (IBM s/390 parallel enterprise server)

f.        Supercomputer (IBM ASCI white)

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